The Library offers a wide array of STEM (Science, technology, engineering, and math) kits for checkout! These kits help kids develop a strong foundation in science while having fun building and creating!

Block Play
Designed for early learners, this kit uses blocks, links, ramps, and balls to learn about STEM concepts like structure, momentum, gravity, and more!
Recommended Ages: 3-6 years

Bridge Building Center
How are bridges designed? What makes a bridge strong? Our engaging building center teaches kids to look closer at real-life designs and make original structures that use the same important elements!
Recommended Ages: 3-6 years

Create a Chain Reaction
Students learn firsthand how STEM concepts such as gravity, force, and momentum can create a chain reaction!
Recommended Age: 8-10 years

Electricity Activity Lab
Develop skills in understanding electricity by designing working circuits!
Recommended Age: 8-10 years

Gingerbread Man Problem Solving Kit
Kids use STEM skills to help the Gingerbread Man! Perfect for building problem-solving skills, the kit includes a story card that presents a dilemma for kids to solve. Children have to plan, create, and test solutions to get the Gingerbread Man across a river!
Recommended Age: 3-6 years

Global Challenges: Oil Spill
Students use STEM skills to cleanup a mock oil spill! They will use a tray, foam pieces, absorbent fabric, oil dispersant, and more to build a working oil containment boom.
Recommended Age: 8-10 years

House Building Center
How are houses designed? What shapes do you see in buildings? Our engaging building center teaches kids to look closer at real-life designs and make original homes that use the same important elements!
Recommended Age: 3-6 years

Hydraulics Engineering Kit
Kids explore the mechanical power of liquid in motion as they build their own hydraulic machines! Create a working drawbridge and a crane using tubes and water!
Recommended Age: 8-10 years

Letter Crayons Word Building Center
Here’s a colorful way to introduce simple words! Kids choose a card with a word on one side and a matching image on the other, then snap the letter crayons into a crayon box to spell the word one letter at a time.
Recommended Age: 3-6 years

Little Red Riding Hood Problem Solving Kit
Kids use STEM skills to help Little Red Riding Hood! Perfect for building problem-solving skills, the kit includes a story card that presents a dilemma for kids to solve. Children have to plan, create, and test basket designs to hold Little Red Riding Hood’s apples!
Recommended Age: 3-6 years

Children use magnets to push cars up a ramp, move a magnetic mouse through a maze, and more, as they learn all about magnetism and magnetic fields!
Recommended Age: 4-6 years

Children can learn about motion while building ramps and launching bugs!
Recommended Age: 4-6 years

Pop & Learn! Letters & Numbers Game
Kids journey through a magical forest and visit an enchanted island, mastering letters and numbers at every turn! Players just pop the die to move around the game board, counting from 1-20 and identifying letters as they race to collect the most gems and win the game!
Recommended Age: 4-7 years

Power Tiles Circuit Kit
Develop electronics and robotics skills while building action filled circuits! Interchangeable circuit tiles snap together in every direction for endless exploration, and a variety of tiles let children experiment with light, sound, motion, and more.
Recommended Age: 6-10 years

Rapunzel Problem Solving Kit
Kids use STEM skills to help Rapunzel! Perfect for building problem-solving skills, the kit includes a story card that presents a dilemma for kids to solve. Children have to plan, create, and test solutions to help a prince scale a tower to rescue Rapunzel!
Recommended Age: 3-6 years

Remote-Control Gear-Bot
Roll out the adventures with a real, moving robot you design yourself! Just connect any combination of gears, claws, heads and more to a motorized base, use the remote to direct your mighty robot to roll and turn in any direction you choose, and set all its gears in motion.
Recommended Age: 4-10 years

Sink or Float
See what sinks and what floats while learning about buoyancy using hands on investigation!
Recommended Age: 4-6 years

Survive the Quake Engineering Kit
Put your building skills to the test and see if your structures survive the earthquake or topple over. Try new building techniques until your structure can withstand all 5 levels of intensity!
Recommended Age: 4-11 years

Tower of Math Games
In these fun-filled games, the excitement and suspense build with each player’s turn, along with essential math skills! To play, students remove one block at a time from the tower of math, then solve the problem on the block aloud. If they answer correctly, they keep the block, but if they make the tower tumble, they’ll have to start again!
Recommended Age: 6-10 years

Water Play
Discover the properties of water as they connect pipes and create boats to learn about flow and buoyancy.
Recommended Age: 3-6 years